************************* * Roulette Wheel script * * ===================== * ************************* Here's a small script that'll do a roulette wheel spin, using red/black colours, and the numbers 1 to 25. You'll either win, loose, or the ball'll bounce out of the wheel:-) (but not often) Script is as follows, and goes in your events... 1:on text:>whirl*:#: { /set %roulplaynick $nick /set %colour $read c:\winprogs\mirc\txts\roulette.txt if bounces isin %colour { /msg $chan $read -sroulbounce c:\winprogs\mirc\txts\games.txt | goto whirlend } elseif $parm2 isin %colour || $parm3 isin %colour { /msg $chan $read -sroulwin c:\winprogs\mirc\txts\games.txt | goto whirlend } else /msg $chan $read -sroullost c:\winprogs\mirc\txts\games.txt :whirlend } What a person would type, would (eg) be >whirl black, >whirl red 8, >whirl 22 The colour is read from my c:\winprogs\mirc\txts\roulette.txt file, which has the following in it... 25 black 1 red 2 black 3 red 4 black 5 red 6 black 7 red 8 black 9 red 10 black 11 red 12 black 13 red 14 black 15 red 16 black 17 red 18 black 19 red 20 black 21 red 22 black 23 red 24 black 25 The other lines are read from my c:\winprogs\mirc\txts\games.txt file which looks a bit like this: roulwin - %roulplaynick spins the roulette wheel, and the ball lands in %colour - You win %roulplaynick $+ !! roullost - %roulplaynick spins the roulette wheel, and the ball lands in %colour - You lost sorry %roulplaynick $+ . roulbounce - %roulplaynick spins the roullette wheel, and the ball %colour - Yikes, better spin again %roulplaynick $+ ! Although you can whack all the lines into a single roulette.txt file (or whatever) if you want. Oh yep make sure listening is turned 'on' Happy spinning :-D Obviously u can do whattevver you want, but if you include this script in a bot, I'd appreciate a mention of my nick, and The <•> Aut0Bot <•>, cheerz. Hi'z to oH_yEaH, Wichita-Guy, ^monty, MEK and sumWOMAN *************************************************** * Roulette wheel spin, part of the Aut0Bot, ©1996 * * written by Phillip Renfield aka _Qu^rtZ_ * ***************************************************